
MacSyFinder find lot of potential systems for the same model, all these systems are saved in “” files. This module allow to explore among of all systems which combination seems to be more probable.

solution API reference


class macsypy.solution.Solution(systems: list[System])[source]

Handle Solution, a solution is a set of compatible Systems

when compare solutions we check the following criteria

  1. The number of hits

  2. The number of systems

  3. The average of wholeness

  4. The hits position (is used ti give predictable output for unit tests)

__eq__(other) bool[source]

Return self==value.

__gt__(other) bool[source]

Return self>value.

__hash__ = None
__init__(systems: list[System]) None[source]

systems – The list of system that composed this solution

__iter__() Generator[source]

Solution allow to iterate over the systems



__lt__(other) bool[source]

Return self<value.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_sorted_systems(systems: list[System]) list[System][source]

sort the systems following the positions of th hits that composed the systems


systems (list of mcsypy.system.System objects) – the systems to sort


a sorted copy of the systems

Return type:

list of mcsypy.system.System objects

property average_wholeness: float

The average of the systems wholeness

property hits_number: int

The sum of the hits of each system in this solution

property hits_positions: list[int]

The list of position of all hits of the solution

property score: float

The score of this solution

property systems: list[System]

“a sorted list of the systems that composed the solution


macsypy.solution.combine_clusters(clusters: list[~macsypy.cluster.Cluster], true_loners: dict[slice(<class 'str'>, macsypy.hit.Loner | macsypy.hit.LonerMultiSystem, None)], multi_loci: bool = False) list[tuple[Cluster]][source]

generate the combinations of clusters, with loners and multi systems


all available combination of clusters

Return type:

List of combination. a combination is a tuple of macsypy.cluster.Cluster objects


macsypy.solution.combine_multisystems(rejected_candidates: list[RejectedCandidate], multi_systems: list[Cluster])[source]

list of cluster combination with the multisystem

Return type:

[(macsypy.cluster.Cluster cluster1, cluster2, …), (macsypy.cluster.Cluster cluster3, cluster4, …)]


macsypy.solution.find_best_solutions(systems: list[System]) tuple[list[Solution], float][source]

Among the systems choose the combination of systems which does not share macsypy.hit.CoreHit and maximize the sum of systems scores


systems – the systems to analyse


the list of macsypy.solution.Solution which represent one best solution then it’s score.

Return type:

tuple of 2 elements the best solutions and it’s score