
Allow to handles model package either on localhost or from a remote location. the model packages can be stored in github organization to be downloaded and installed locally. The classes below are used by macsydata, which is the entry point to manipulate models package.

package API reference


class macsypy.package.AbstractModelIndex(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This the base class for ModelIndex. This class cannot be implemented, it must be subclassed

__init__(cache: str | None = None) None[source]
static __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)[source]

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

unarchive_package(path: str) str[source]

Unarchive and uncompress a package under <remote cache>/<organization name>/<package name>/<vers>/<package name>


path (str) –


The path to the package


class macsypy.package.LocalModelIndex(*args, **kwargs)[source]

It allow to manage installation from a local package (tarball)

__init__(cache: str | None = None) None[source]


class macsypy.package.RemoteModelIndex(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This class allow to interact with ModelIndex on github

__init__(org: str = 'macsy-models', cache: str | None = None) None[source]

org – The name of the organization on github where are stored the models

_url_json(url: str) dict[source]

Get the url, deserialize the data as json


url (str) – the url to download


the json corresponding to the response url

download(pack_name: str, vers: str, dest: str | None = None) str[source]

Download a package from a GitHub repos and save it as <remote cache>/<organization name>/<package name>/<vers>.tar.gz

  • pack_name (str) – the name of the package to download

  • vers (str) – the version of the package to download

  • dest (str) – The path to the directory where save the package This directory must exist If dest is None, the macsyfinder cache will be used


The package archive path.

get_metadata(pack_name: str, vers: str = 'latest') dict[source]

Fetch the metadata_path from a remote package

  • pack_name (str) – The package name

  • vers (str) – The package version


the metadata_path corresponding to this package/version

Return type:

dictionary corresponding of the yaml parsing of the metadata_path file.

list_package_vers(pack_name: str) list[str][source]

List all available versions from GitHub model repos for a given package


pack_name (str) – the name of the package


the list of the versions

list_packages() list[str][source]

list all model packages available on a model repos


The list of package names.

remote_exists() bool[source]

check if the remote exists and is an organization


True if the Remote url point to a GitHub Organization, False otherwise


class macsypy.package.Package(path: str)[source]

This class Modelize a package of Models a package is a directory with the name of the models family it must contain at least - a subdirectory definitions - a subdirectory profiles - a file metadata.yml it is also recommended to add a file for licensing and copyright and a README. for further explanation see TODO

__init__(path: str) None[source]

path (str) – The of the package root directory


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_check_metadata() tuple[list[str], list[str]][source]

Check the QA of package metadata_path


errors and warnings

Return type:

tuple of 2 lists ([str error_1, …], [str warning_1, …])

_check_model_conf() tuple[list[str], list[str]][source]

check if a model configuration file is present in the package (model_conf.xml) if the syntax of this file is good.


_check_model_consistency() tuple[list, list][source]

check if each xml seems well write, each genes have an associated profile, etc.


_check_structure() tuple[list[str], list[str]][source]

Check the QA structure of the package


errors and warnings

Return type:

tuple of 2 lists ([str error_1, …], [str warning_1, …])

_find_readme() str | None[source]

find the README file


The path to the README file or None if there is no file.

_load_metadata() dict[slice(<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>, None)][source]

Open the metadata_path file and de-serialize it’s content :return:

check() tuple[list[str], list[str]][source]

Check the QA of this package

help() str[source]

return the content of the README file

info() str[source]

some information about the package

property metadata: dict[slice(<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>, None)]

The parsed metadata as a dict